Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Final Project Part 9- Video and Concept board

Here I had uploaded the video and the two concept boards.

First Concept Board.
Second Concept Board.

Finally here is the video, "Music".

Final Project Part 8- Video production

Here is the progress work on the video. Most of the objects in flash are moved by motion presets known as tweening.

First, I take the sound I downloaded into Adobe Soundbooth and edit the music. I make the song shorter. It is actually a 3-minute music and I shorten it to a 1-minute music.
Then, off to Adobe Flash CS5 to do the whole video. I tired After Effects before I did this but I still did not get used to it so, I decided to do in Flash anyway. Start off by making new frames and keyframe for the object I placed on the stage.
Continue with the objects placing in different frames in the timeline.
Here is where I start with the lines.

Here there is a line with little dots on it is actually where I use motion tween. 
This is also tweening. Noticed that I placed the line nearly and at the same frame in the timeline,  so I can make the lines move at same time.
Here is where I make the tween short to make a fast impact. I want the lines to collide with each other.
At this part, the music is going a bit slow and I use curve lines.
The music became fast here and there is tension here with all the lines.
Nearly to the finishing I use blue where the music is a bit calming.
Finally, I added the credits at the end of the video.

Final Project Part 10- Project Brief

Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: "Music"

Artist Statement: My topic is related to music. For the video, I want to express a variety of feelings when listening to certain music. Happy, sad, angry, love and confused. These are some of the feelings that can be evoke when we listen to music. Music is a form of art which we see it in different ways. Each person had their own feelings into it so, we cannot say it is wrong when a person listen to a sad song but feels better. Music also plays the same role as a song but without a singer singing it. It is more to the tune and rhythm. In my video, I want to show the static to dynamic emotions where it starts with a beat (more to starting to get the feel) and then to a more complex form.  

Artwork Treatment: For the video, I use Adobe Soundbooth CS5 for sound editing, Adobe FlashCS5 for the whole video and the two concept boards I use Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Final Project Part 7- Sketches & Development of Ideas

Here is the development of ides for the Concept board and the Storyboard.

Concept board.
Concept board 2.
Storyboard for the video.

Final Project Part 3- Mindmap

Thwe mindmap for my topic "Music".


Final Project Part 6- Target Audience and Persona

My target audience is mainly teenagers where their emotions are still growing and it is more appropriate for my video.
Due to the survey which is conducted online, I wanted to give some privacy and open space to the respondent so, I never asked for any personal information. I just wanted their opinion in music where it is important.

Here are three different personas. All three like music and think music touches their heart and a scene would be better with music. However, they differ in their imagination when they listen to music. One said waves, the other said circles and another said colours. Other respondent also had different ideas in imaginating music.

Persona 1
Persona 2
Persona 3

Final Project Part 5- Research

I did some research on the types of wave or equilizer style I wanted to put in my video.

Music waves.
Here us an example of the waves type I would try to do.

Final Project Part 2- Topic and Song Selection

After a very long thinking period, I choose "Music" as my topic.
Music is a form of art which involves sound waves that rhymes together and make a tune which evoke our emotions.

Musical notes.

The song selection is a bit tough because it determines the video that I am going to make.
The song I choose for this project is an opening song for a PSP game, Deardops. The title of the song is "Melody Hope" by Overdrive which is in off vocal meaning that there is no singer's voice in the song but the music.

Overdrive - 希望の旋律 (Off Vocal)

Images taken from Google Image. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Final Project Part 1- Project

We are suppose to produce a video and two concept boards (like a kind of poster which tells what is the video about).

Minimum length of the video is 45 seconds and maximum length of the video is 90 seconds
It is where we express our feelings on a topic of our choice in video form with music.

The two concept boards are in A3 size and mounted on foamboard.

Final Project Part 4- Survey

I did a little survey on my topic. This time is a very simple survey where I still use SurveyMonkey. Thanks a lot to those that help to answer it. The reason I made it short and simple is because most people are busy during these weeks with they works and assignments. It may be annoying for them if the questions were long. 
The Survey Page.
First question.
Second question.
Third question.
Fourth question.
Fifth question.