Sunday, January 15, 2012

Final Project Part 4

Here is the pages for my interactive application. It is subject to change after being applied into flash.

Main Menu
Subsection 1.
Subsection 2.
Subsection 3.
Concept Page.
Concept Board.
Final Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: “Quotes”

Artist Statement: Quotes-An expression which meant something in life. I want people to know about these quotes and make it an example to life. It could give you the strength to move on and take up any challenges which will come by your way.

Artwork Treatment: Adobe Photoshop for image editing and Adobe Flash for interactive application.

Final Project Part 3

Here is my sketches and idea developments.

Here is my plan for the interface.

Development of Ideas1.
Development of Ideas2.

Final Project Part 2

Quotes means to repeat or copy the words of another, usually with acknowledgement of the source.
For example,
"Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." -Benjamin Franklin
"I wanted to be that quirky girl who writes funny songs that still have meaning." -Katy Perry

There are many types of quotes in the world by famous peoples and also non-famous peoples. It is reflection of ones life, dreams and hope. Everyone can make a quote but whether it is meaningful or not, it all depends on you. It is a way in expressing yourself.
In this final project, I will use my own quotes that are related to my own life which is meaningful to me.

Images taken from Google Image.

Final Project Part1

Based on Assignment 2, we had to choose 1 of our ideas to be develop into an interactive application. I had decided to use the second idea, "Reach For Your Dreams". The layout design for the page is the same as in assignment 2.
"Reach For Your Dreams".
The topic of my final project is Quotes.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Final Project Brief

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Final Project (40%)

This is an individual project. Based on Assignment 02. Students are required to choose one of the ideas to be develop into interactive application. The interactive application MUST have minumum of four pages.(main menu, 2 subsections and a concept page) Students should apply their knowledge of
what they have learn through out their beta level (Media Art Design classes)

Students are free to select any content(topic) for their interactive application.
Please do not forget that your interactive application should carry expressive and provocative visual.

- To demonstrate an understanding of visual communication
- To practice effective visual layout design and create functional graphic user interface
- To apply creative association of technology, technique, tools and applications to produce digital media artwork practically.

Evaluation criteria:
- Overall interactive application concept: 15%
- Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 20%
- Concept Artworks: 5%

Submission Format:
01 One A4 printed concept board mounted on foam board (Your name, id, artwork description printed at the back).
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Please compile all your assignments sketches and idea developments (01, 02 + final project)
- An Interactive application (.exe file)
- Digital copy of ALL working files for all assignments and project.
- Digital Research documentation for ALL assingments and project.
- Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 14