Sunday, July 10, 2011

Assignment 2c-Type Expression (Typeplay)

Typeplay means "playing" with typography. It is how we place type in a composition creatively. Eventhough the words are simple, it gives a meaning when we play around with it compared to the word itself.

Some examples of simple words using type play.
Short with a small "S" to indicate the word short in a more creative way.
A sweet way of potraying nice using biscuits.
Helicopter with a long "T" to show the helicopter's propeller.
The word "stacked" which is all stacked together.
Drop with the fallen "O" at the bottom represent the "O" has drop down.
Sometimes colours also play an important role in typeplay. Here is an example of informative and typeplay video by National Geographic using only three colours; black, white and yellow.

All images are taken from Google Images.

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