Thursday, December 22, 2011

Assignment 2- Redo

After some comments from Mr. Bad, I have to use my own pictures in the artwork. I decided to use the pictures that I taken when I was in Kuala Lumpur and Cameron Highlands for my past assignments.

What will you do?

Project Brief 1

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: What will you do?

Artist Statement: Through Dante Leonelli’s works on neon colour, I develop a screen-based design which uses these bright colours to represent the concept of air pollution levels. The colours determine the levels from Good to Critical. We are the ones who built this country to how it is now. If we just develop it disregard of the consequences that might happen, then we will be drown in the less better future. We develop to maintain a healthy place to live in.

Artwork Treatment: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Reach for your dreams.
Project Brief 2

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: Reach for your dreams.

Artist Statement: This artwork is based on Ken Rinaldo’s concept of intersection between nature and technology. Both can react to achieve something beyond unbelievable. I made a screen-based design which shows the nature (butterfly) which intersect itself to technology (the weird things attach to it). I want to show that no matter what we do, we must not give up. Even it is almost impossible but someday you will achieve something in life.

Artwork Treatment: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Assignment 2- Final artwork

Here are my final artworks.

What will you do?
Project Brief 1
Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: What will you do?

Artist Statement: Through Dante Leonelli’s works on neon colour, I develop a screen-based design which uses these bright colours to represent the concept of air pollution levels. The colours determine the levels from Good to Critical. We are the ones who built this country to how it is now. If we just develop it disregard of the consequences that might happen, then we will be drown in the less better future. We develop to maintain a healthy place to live in.

Artwork Treatment: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Reach for your dreams.

Project Brief 2

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: Reach for your dreams.

Artist Statement: This artwork is based on Ken Rinaldo’s concept of intersection between nature and technology. Both can react to achieve something beyond unbelievable. I made a screen-based design which shows the nature (eagle) which intersect itself to technology (the wired wings). I want to show that no matter what we do, we must not give up. Even it is almost impossible but someday you will achieve something in life. The eagle is a symbol of freedom. Eventhough it is bound to heavy wired wings, but if it does not give up it will fly further to where it is heading.

Artwork Treatment: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Assignment 2- Sketches and Development of ideas

Here are the mindmap, sketches and idea development.

Sketches 1.

Sketches 2.

Idea Development.

Idea Development.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Assignment 2- Research

After many research on various digital multimedia artist, I had confirm the 2 artist which i will use for this assignment.

The first digital multimedia artist I had chosen is Dante Leonelli. He is a pioneer of kinetic light sculpture. He had been working on various project since the 60s like the Neon Ice Bridge, and many more proposals which are not accepted due to particular reasons. Recently, he has proposed the Eco Halos, which monitor and reflect changing level of environmental traffic and air pollution. It is a collaborated project with many others to succeed in this project. Most of his projects are related to neon light and argon gas.

I specifically choose his work, the "Eco Halos" to be used as reference for my artwork. I will apply his concept on environmental traffic and air pollution and also the neon colours and make my own artwork from it.

Green  = Good
Blue = Ok
Red = Bad
Flashing Red = Critical

Notting Hill Gate Halo.

The second digital multimedia artist I had chosen is Ken Rinaldo. He creates interactive art installations that explore the intersection between nature and technology. His works involves with ecological issues which often overlooked in favour of technological progress. Rinaldo is concerned with an idealized melding or an intersection that he believes is possible between natural and technological systems. He often asserts that integration of the natural and non-organic electro-mechanical elements are part of an important and very natural confluence and co-evolution that is necessary between living and our evolving technological material. His art works are influenced and evolve with research into living systems theory, artificial life and the current technologies we use to model and express mimesis through our current understanding of natural living systems.

For my artwork based on Ken Rinaldo's works, I will apply the concept of intersection between nature and technology. In addition, I will use neon colour because most of his works involves sensors and lights.


Assignment 2- Research

I begin to research on related informations regarding digital multimedia artist. However, I could not find a specific one so I research a little on interactive arts and new media art.

Both are installation-based art using multiple types of digital equipment. It involves the art form in a more technological way like computer graphics, animation, virtual art and many more.
It is a challenge where new media artist preserve their works at the same time interacts with the viewers in conveying what the artist have to say on a particular topic. Most of these installation arts are based on sensors like infrared, motion, heat and many more. The main thing is the installations are combined with different medias which includes either these elements; sound, images, text, videos and animation.


It is the interaction between the artist and his artworks and the viewers. The artist is not always at the scene to explain his artwork. Therefore, the ability of his artworks is the main medium in conveying what he has to say. Viewers are the ones who would interpret it whether they get the meaning of the artwork or not.

Since my artwork now is based on screen-based design, we have to take the elements for screen-based design and adapt it with the philosophy of the two artists' works and make our own artwork as reference to them.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Assignment 2- Brief

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Assignment 02 (30%)

STAGE 01: This is an individual project. Students are required to conduct research about digital multimedia artist.
Based on research and findings, student need to select TWO media artist that inspired them.
Write a summary for each artist which conclude artist’s philosophy towards his/her style of work,
including their digital artwork concepts, expression and emotions.

STAGE02: Based on their two summaries, students are required to create TWO screen design
that represent their selected artists concepts, approach and directions.
Both screen design should carry expressive and provocative meanings to stimulate user s mind.
Screen design must include: title, content, three submenu buttons and a quit button.

-          To understand, explore and creating functional graphic user interface with purposed for digital visual communication.
-          To investigate the development of technology in creating digital media art installations.

Evaluation criteria:
-          Research documentation: 10%
-          Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 10%
-          Final Artworks: 10%

Submission Format:
01 Two printed final artworks mounted on foam boards (Your name, id, artwork description printed at the back). Template will be provided.
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Idea development and sketches
-          Digital copy of both artworks
-          Digital Research documentation
-          Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 09