Saturday, June 18, 2011

1st week (Exercise)

Last week, we had a brief lecture on what we are suppose to do for this semester. We will be learning through experimental, expression and exploration. Most of our works will be done based on our "voice". Then we had an exercise on Colours. We were given a piece of paper and choose one colour then list our 50 related things, expects or characteristics that is related to the colour. For example, Red.
Red represents anger, danger, stop, fire, love and many more.

Our group choose "Yellow" colour and some of our related ideas on it is royalty (Malaysia), road signs, sun, happy, light, cheerful, bee, honey and others as well.
Our ideas mostly are not reasonable when we reach 30-45 because our brains could not generate common ideas and makes us think a bit more than we usually do. This is what we are going to do in this semester.

We are going to use our own "voice" which we experienced it in different background to generated ideas which are not common to most people. From here we learn that, "The best ideas does not come from the average ideas". We must look into it more than we usually do.

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