Thursday, November 24, 2011

Assignment 1 - Final artwork redo

After submission, Mr. Bad ask me to do some changes to the eraser one. Here is the one I had redo. The project brief still remains the same.

“Lies makes us feel Betrayed.” 
Project Brief 2
Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: “Lies makes us feel Betrayed.”

Artist Statement: My subject matter is the eraser. I wanted to show that eraser is like trust. The more you erase, the lesser the trust and this makes us feel betrayed. This is targeting more to friendship. In a friendship, we must gain trust but if we made a mistake, our trust that we gain becomes lesser where in the end the person will finally betray you.

Artwork Treatment: I take my own pictures and composed it myself. After that, I use Adobe Photoshop to adjust the colour and edit the picture. Then, use Adobe Illustrator to resize it based on the template given.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Assignment 1 - Final artworks

Finally, I placed in the interactive part on the 2 final compositions.

Woman: You'll never know when she will EXPLODE.
Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: “Woman: You'll never know when she will EXPLODE.”

Artist Statement:  My subject matter is the chilli. To me, chilli represents a woman because a woman is unpredictable at times. Their emotions wonders around inside them until the time comes where they explode and expressing their distress. 

Artwork Treatment: I take my own pictures and composed it myself. After that, I use Adobe Photoshop to adjust the colour and edit the picture. Then, use Adobe Illustrator to resize it based on the template given.

Lies makes us feel Betrayed.

Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork Title: “Lies makes us feel Betrayed.”

Artist Statement: My subject matter is the eraser. I wanted to show that eraser is like trust. The more you erase, the lesser the trust and this makes us feel betrayed. This is targeting more to friendship. In a friendship, we must gain trust but if we made a mistake, our trust that we gain becomes lesser where in the end the person will finally betray you.

Artwork Treatment: I take my own pictures and composed it myself. After that, I use Adobe Photoshop to adjust the colour and edit the picture. Then, use Adobe Illustrator to resize it based on the template given.

Assignment 1- Final composition

These are the two final composition which are approved by Mr. Bad.


Assignment 1- Development of ideas

Development of ideas for the chilli and eraser.
Development of Ideas for Chilli.
Development of Ideas for Eraser.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Assignment 1- Screen design (Research)

Here are some examples of screen-based design.

Jamo earwear.

Assignment 1-Sketches

Here are the sketches for assignment 1.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Assignment 1 Brief

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Assignment 1 (30%)

This is an individual project. You are a creative person! Think visually!
Students are required to created two conceptual screen based artworks to provoke / stimulate their target audience emotions.
Both screen design should integrate the appropriate use of visual language and typographic meaning.

Stage01 - branstorming
Stage02 - research & facts finding
Stage03 - initial ideation and conceptualization
Stage04 - project brief
Stage05 - idea developments and process
Stage06 - screen design intergration process
Stage07 - precedence studies
Stage07 - two finalized ideas

-          To understand and explain the psychological interpretations using visual arts.
-          To communicate and produce screen based visual communication using word and image effectively.

Evaluation criteria:
-          Research documentation: 5%
-          Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 15%
-          Final Artworks: 10%

Submission Format:
01 Two printed final artworks mounted on foam boards (Your name, id, artwork description printed at the back). Template will be provided.
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Idea development and sketches
-          Digital copy of both artworks
-          Digital Research documentation
-          Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 06 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Semiotics and Semantics (Research)

Semiotics is referring to the study of signs and it's systems. Semiotics are applied very widely around the world however it is very complex. This signs acts as a significant form of symbol where we related to, interpreted, represented or even compared upon. It can be a synonym to a certain thing which helps in communication in the form of concepts.

Semiotics triangle.
Another simple example of the semiotics triangle.
Meaning that an unknown or known object is presented. Then it is studied, compared, and given a certain concept to it and finally is being named in terms.

Semantics is the study or meaning between a sign and symbol with what they are represented as.
Example, a girl can be represented as young, immature, weak or many more. These "meaning" is a signifier to represent the symbol of a girl.
Another clearer meaning using the example of a tree. However, this is more direct.
All images are taken from Google Images.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

MEDIA ARTS DESIGN 2 (Week 2) assignment 1

From the 10 ideas, 2 was chosen.

From these, we are supposed to compose into a few compositions.