Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Final Project Part 8- Video production

Here is the progress work on the video. Most of the objects in flash are moved by motion presets known as tweening.

First, I take the sound I downloaded into Adobe Soundbooth and edit the music. I make the song shorter. It is actually a 3-minute music and I shorten it to a 1-minute music.
Then, off to Adobe Flash CS5 to do the whole video. I tired After Effects before I did this but I still did not get used to it so, I decided to do in Flash anyway. Start off by making new frames and keyframe for the object I placed on the stage.
Continue with the objects placing in different frames in the timeline.
Here is where I start with the lines.

Here there is a line with little dots on it is actually where I use motion tween. 
This is also tweening. Noticed that I placed the line nearly and at the same frame in the timeline,  so I can make the lines move at same time.
Here is where I make the tween short to make a fast impact. I want the lines to collide with each other.
At this part, the music is going a bit slow and I use curve lines.
The music became fast here and there is tension here with all the lines.
Nearly to the finishing I use blue where the music is a bit calming.
Finally, I added the credits at the end of the video.

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