Saturday, July 30, 2011

Assignment 3b- Digital Arts (A part of my experiences in Penang)

On the week we went to Penang, we went to the Suffolk House to experience the Digital Art and Culture Festival held there. It was amazing where various artists and musician work together to make the installation work. They mostly adapt the history and culture in Penang. One of it was on Dragon dance and another was on History of the Suffolk House itself. Many others were also included there.

The visual mapping on the Suffolk House.
Unfortunely, we did not have the chance to go for the workshops. It is a pity though. We had limited time to join the workshops.

It was my first time going to Penang and I did not know much about the place. Most of us also never went to Penang and around two to three people are from Penang. It was not an organised trip though. 

However, I appreciate the chance to visit museums, temples and the streets of Penang. It still preserves their old culture. I am satisfied by one thing which is the Jetty (a small village built on water) eventhough they improve it where you can see the astro antenna on top of the houses in the photo above. The only reason I hope for in Penang was the sea actually. 

A picture of the Jetty. You can see the water below the houses. 
The boat at the Jetty.
I was amazed by the site there. The breeze was very pleasant despite the hot day.

Another thing about Penang I was interested in is the food there. Penang is popular for its hawker food like Hokkien Mee, Nasi Kandar and Char Kuey Teow. There are also many more food there but still we cannot try them all. Another place is the Khoo Kongsi, a large clan temple in Penang with their amazing architecture.

Khoo Kongsi clan temple.
***Images are all taken by me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Assignment 3a- Digital Arts

On this assignment, we are supposed to do an individual project (digital arts) where we use a same or different topic related to our Penang trip on week 6.
This time we have to imply our visual and typographic expression into two artworks carrying different themes (treatment, "look and feel" and art concept) for the same target audience.
We also need to include a survey of our target audience.
Submission is in a form of two 10x10 inches artwork mounted on foamboard, CD-ROM and A4 sketch.

For now I am still thinking about what I am suppose to do.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Assignment 2f-Type Expression (Final Artwork & Project Brief)

This is my final artwork.

"WE can change the future".
Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: "WE can change the future."

Artist Statement: My main topic is pollution and I want to express "awareness" in people about this issue. Pollution is increasing everyday and WE are the ones who can prevent it from happening. If we take the initiative to change, our actions will lead us to a brighter future. In my artwork, I am making a digital typography artwork which relates to how I felt on the issue. As usual, I planned for to make it simple.

Artwork Treatment: Digital artwork using adobe photoshop.

Assignment 2e-Type Expression (Mindmap, Sketches & Development of Ideas)

Here are all the mindmap, sketches and development of ideas I had done for this type expression.

A mindmap of what I am planning for in the artwork. Colours, fonts, aspects and typeplay.
Three main sketches.
Development of ideas.
Then I make it into an artwork form in illustrator of photoshop. Trial and error a lot.
First try with typography.
Another different approach but I do not really like it.
This is the final one after changing so many times.
Colour meanings
Green: Pollution (mainly on preserving the environment for the better)
Black: Gives more focus on the other colours (contrast)
Red: Awareness towards the future

Assignment 2d-Type Expression (Types of Typeplay)

There are seven types of typeplay;
1) Image as Letter
2) Letter as Image
3) Word as Image
4) Word within Word
5) Letter plus Image
6) Word plus Image
7) Text Type as Image

1) Image as Letter is a process of substitution.
-An image plays the role of a letterform in a word.


2) Letter as Image is a process of manipulation.
-A letterform is altered to become simultaneously an image and a letter.

Mother & Child

3) Word as Image is a process of manipulation.
-Letterforms are altered to become simultaneously an image and a word.


4) Word within Word is a process of manipulation.
-A second word is highlighted to become simultaneously two words in one.

Can't go through life without getting paid/Can't go through life without getting paranoid.

5) Letter plus Image is a process of substitution.
-An image that sounds like the letterform.

We love it.

6) Word plus Image is a process of substitution.
-An image enhances the meaning of word.

Mini Joule website logo.
Typo Bank.

7) Text Type as Image is a process of manipulation.
-Text type is arranged in a shape of an image.

Examples of a video on kinetic typography which imply these elements.

All images are taken from Google Images.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Assignment 2c-Type Expression (Typeplay)

Typeplay means "playing" with typography. It is how we place type in a composition creatively. Eventhough the words are simple, it gives a meaning when we play around with it compared to the word itself.

Some examples of simple words using type play.
Short with a small "S" to indicate the word short in a more creative way.
A sweet way of potraying nice using biscuits.
Helicopter with a long "T" to show the helicopter's propeller.
The word "stacked" which is all stacked together.
Drop with the fallen "O" at the bottom represent the "O" has drop down.
Sometimes colours also play an important role in typeplay. Here is an example of informative and typeplay video by National Geographic using only three colours; black, white and yellow.

All images are taken from Google Images.

Assignment 2b-Type Expression (More Research)

More research about typography was done and I found out that  Nicolas Jenson was the first person who develop the first full Roman typeface. His typeface was highly legible. Later on, others uses his work and also created newer typeface. Jenson learned the art of movable type under the guidance of Gutenberg. Johannes Gutenberg is the person who invented the printing press which increases the production of books in his era and then around the world.

Nicolas Jenson (1420-1480).
Johannes Gutenburg.
Printing press.
Here is a video on the history of print.

All images are taken from Google Image.

Assignment 2a-Type Expression (Research)

For assignment 2, we have to do a type expresssion either on a new topic or based on our previous topic. For me, I choose to do on my previous topic again because I had more understanding on it and hopefully will produce a better work. It is still an individual project and we are required to represent our emotions through type now.

What is Typography?

In is says,Typography is
"The design and use of typeface as a means of visual communication from calligraphy to the ever-developing use of digital type."
"The history of typography generally begins with Gutenberg and the development of moveable type, but it has its roots in handwritten letterforms... for they are  basis of type design" And "Typography in graphic design involves the selection of appropriate typefaces and their arrangement on a page."

"Typography (from the Greek words τύπος(typos) = form and γραφή(graphy) = writing) is the art and technique of arranging type."

In conclusion, typography is a form of typeface used to express one's ideas through type rather than words in different composition appealing and comfortable for viewers. Printing and typography had been evolving together since the 19th century when book publishing increases. Consumers and readers are requesting different types in those books for convenient reading. Mostly related to the printing industry such as books, magazines, newspapers plays around with typefaces. Other fields also uses this types for posters, banners, clothes and book covers. Even shop fronts uses different types to reflect their shops.

Here are some examples of typefaces used on shop fronts.

Chateau Shop.
Baskin Robbins (ice-cream shop).
The Bridge Gallery.
All images are taken from Google Images.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Assignment 1g-Improvements on my final artwork

My final artwork before this is commented by my lecturer and he gave me opinions on how to improve it. He said, " I should eliminate the two leaves at the side so that it will give an indirect meaning to what I am trying to express." In other words, make the viewers "think" of what is going on in the artwork.

Thinking bulb.

Here is the old one.

Here is the improvised version of it. (Newer one)

Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: Pollution- "WE can change the future."

Artist Statement: The topic that I had chosen is "Pollution" which is reflected mainly towards the earth. I wanted to express my feelings towards pollution. I wish that someday pollution will grow lesser and if possible no more.  I want people to be aware of it because what we do now will affect our future generation. We are the ones who will change the future. However, I want to express my feelings on the earth, life and nature that WE as an individual and society can change for a better future without pollution. In my artwork, I am going to make a painting (traditional art) which reflect my emotions towards pollution. Therefore, the expression I wanted to represent in my artwork is "awareness" in people towards pollution. Awareness is to take notice of something. We as a citizen in a society should prioritize our awareness to pollution and take action towards it. Everyone can make the world a better place to live in if only we take part in it. In my artwork, I will be using watercolours with leaves. I had been thinking for quite a while and I planned to make it as simple as possible because I prefer simple things rather than complex ones.

Artwork Treatment: Watercolour, leaves and ink pen.


Assignment 1f- Improvements

After presenting my work in class last week, I had been given some opinions on my artwork from Mr. Badrolhisham (our lecturer) and also the need to add more research on colours and expression (feelings) that I need to potray in my work. He said, "There are always ways to improve our work whether you want it or not."

Previously, I did the extra research on the colour green which is my chosen colour in my artwork. A more towards nature colour theme.This time I am going to tell more on my expression when doing improvements to my artwork.

When we talk about expression, most people think is about the "face" expression. For example, we do a sad face or even a happy face. That is called facial expression. 

Facial expressions.

However, in this artwork that we are producing, we have to expression our "emotional expression" either directly or indirectly.
Expression is also a way to communicate with people. There are many ways in expression oneself to a certain group or society. It is either through words, writings, musics and many more. Everyone has different expressions on a certain incident. It depends on the background of that person which leads the incident to an understanding to himself or herself. For example, a guy and a girl. When both are given a dog, the girl maybe will be happy because she like dogs and have one at home. However, in the guy's case, he maybe will run away because he had bad experience with dogs like being chased or even being bitten.

Girl hugging a dog.
A guy being chased by a dog.

Therefore, the expression I wanted to represent in my artwork is "awareness" in people towards pollution. Awareness is to take notice of something. We as a citizen in a society should prioritize our awareness to pollution and take action towards it. Everyone can make the world a better place to live in if only we take part in it. 

All images are taken from Google Images.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Assignment 1e-Extra research (Colour meanings)

The colour I chose for this artwork is Green. This is because my artwork is mainly on making a change to prevent pollution. Green colour symbolizes nature, earth, life, growth, ecology, fresh and many more. However, the colour green itself directly refers to nature. That is why this is the perfect colour to reflect my artwork.
If I used other colours, it may lead to confusion on what I am trying to express. For example, if I used red in my artwork, it may diverge to a different meaning. Maybe danger, caution, love or fire.

Green Colour.
