Sunday, July 10, 2011

Assignment 2a-Type Expression (Research)

For assignment 2, we have to do a type expresssion either on a new topic or based on our previous topic. For me, I choose to do on my previous topic again because I had more understanding on it and hopefully will produce a better work. It is still an individual project and we are required to represent our emotions through type now.

What is Typography?

In is says,Typography is
"The design and use of typeface as a means of visual communication from calligraphy to the ever-developing use of digital type."
"The history of typography generally begins with Gutenberg and the development of moveable type, but it has its roots in handwritten letterforms... for they are  basis of type design" And "Typography in graphic design involves the selection of appropriate typefaces and their arrangement on a page."

"Typography (from the Greek words τύπος(typos) = form and γραφή(graphy) = writing) is the art and technique of arranging type."

In conclusion, typography is a form of typeface used to express one's ideas through type rather than words in different composition appealing and comfortable for viewers. Printing and typography had been evolving together since the 19th century when book publishing increases. Consumers and readers are requesting different types in those books for convenient reading. Mostly related to the printing industry such as books, magazines, newspapers plays around with typefaces. Other fields also uses this types for posters, banners, clothes and book covers. Even shop fronts uses different types to reflect their shops.

Here are some examples of typefaces used on shop fronts.

Chateau Shop.
Baskin Robbins (ice-cream shop).
The Bridge Gallery.
All images are taken from Google Images.

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