Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Assignment 1g-Improvements on my final artwork

My final artwork before this is commented by my lecturer and he gave me opinions on how to improve it. He said, " I should eliminate the two leaves at the side so that it will give an indirect meaning to what I am trying to express." In other words, make the viewers "think" of what is going on in the artwork.

Thinking bulb.

Here is the old one.

Here is the improvised version of it. (Newer one)

Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: Pollution- "WE can change the future."

Artist Statement: The topic that I had chosen is "Pollution" which is reflected mainly towards the earth. I wanted to express my feelings towards pollution. I wish that someday pollution will grow lesser and if possible no more.  I want people to be aware of it because what we do now will affect our future generation. We are the ones who will change the future. However, I want to express my feelings on the earth, life and nature that WE as an individual and society can change for a better future without pollution. In my artwork, I am going to make a painting (traditional art) which reflect my emotions towards pollution. Therefore, the expression I wanted to represent in my artwork is "awareness" in people towards pollution. Awareness is to take notice of something. We as a citizen in a society should prioritize our awareness to pollution and take action towards it. Everyone can make the world a better place to live in if only we take part in it. In my artwork, I will be using watercolours with leaves. I had been thinking for quite a while and I planned to make it as simple as possible because I prefer simple things rather than complex ones.

Artwork Treatment: Watercolour, leaves and ink pen.


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