Saturday, August 13, 2011

Assignment 3-Redo Artworks.

Due to my assignment 3 being rejected, I had redo it and this is the Final Artworks and Project Brief. 

Final Artwork 1.

Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: "A change through time"

Artist Statement 1: My topic is related to Penang. For the first artwork, I want to express my feelings of newness because at Penang, the main thing of my trip is the Digital Art and Culture Festival. New as in it takes over the old culture. I made an illusion on the Suffolk House (representing the old building) in my artwork where DAC symbol is the main highlight of the artwork which overlaps the Suffolk House. The symbol express the festival as a new culture brought in today while the Suffolk House remains there. I use Illustrator in this artwork and I still prefer simple artworks than complicated ones.

Artwork Treatment: Digital artworks using Adobe Illustrator.

Final artwork 2.

Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: "A change through time"

Artist Statement 2: My topic is related to Penang. For the second artwork, I want to express the feeling of oldness of culture in Penang. The main attraction is the boat that leads to a temple. This shows that the old culture is still being preserved in the society despite the change in time. I use Illustrator in this artwork and I still prefer simple artworks than complicated ones.

Artwork Treatment: Digital artworks using Adobe Illustrator.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Assignment 3j- Digital Arts (Final Artworks)

Here is my final artworks for assignment 3 and the project brief. The artist statement is referring to both artworks.

First artwork.
Second artwork.
Project Brief

Name: Melody Yeow Yee Kheng

ID: 1102700962

Artwork title: "A change through time"

Artist Statement: My topic is related to Penang and I want to express two different themes which are "amazed" in the first artwork (olden days) and “not surprised” in the second artwork (modern days). The reason to this is that I never went to Penang and I am amazed by almost everything I see there like the old temples. For the ones who had been or even lived there, they are not surprised on the events or any other monuments there. I still prefer simple artworks than complicated ones. Therefore, this time I am producing a digital-like scrapbook style more specifically a memory board because this trip to Penang gives a new memory for me and I want to preserve it (refering to time) and wish others will do the same too.

Artwork Treatment: Digital artworks using Adobe Photoshop and pictures taken from Penang.

Assignment 3i- Digital Arts (Sketches & Development of Ideas)

Here are the sketches and development of ideas.

First sketches.
Second Sketches.
Development of Ideas.
The final design I choose is the digital scrapbook style (memory board) which is both artworks are the same design except for the pictures and title and third design from my development of ideas.

Assignment 3h- Digital Arts (Persona)

Due to the lack of information on the persona because I am doing the survey online, I decided to take the survey information instead as an alternative.

Persona 1.
Persona 2.
Persona 1 is a Malay and Persona 2 is a Chinese. Majority of the results are the same for both of them.

Assignment 3g- Digital Arts (Survey & Survey Response)

This is my survey form I use to conduct my survey for my artwork. I also include the results for the survey. Thanks to SurveyMonkey for the convenient survey site.

This is my survey form. Sorry for the lines in between due to the cut and paste during editing.

Response for the first question (name).
Second question. (Age)
Third question (Country). Mostly are from Malaysia.
Fourth is about they first impression towards Penang.
Fifth is regarding on whether they had been to Penang.
The sixth question is based on the fifth one (What do they think of the place).
Question seven (Colour based opinion).
Question eight (Culture and Heritage by time).

Question 9 is related to question 8 (opinion).
Question 10 is on the place they would like to visit in Penang.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Assignment 3f- Digital Arts (Emotion)

The emotion I want to portray is "Amazed" and also "Not surprised".
Amazed is an emotion where one is astonish by something. In simpler word, surprised or even shocked.
Not surprised is the opposite if amazed. Meaning you already know or seen something and you are not amazed by it.

Amazed expression (from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs).
Another expression of amazed (from Bug's Life).
Expression of not surprised.

All images are taken from Google Images.

Assignment 3e- Digital Arts (Plannings & Mindmap)

I did some plannings before I start my artwork since I do not know where to start and also the mindmap. Penang have a lot of tourist attractions, heritage and food but I just put some of them as an example in the mindmap.

Plannings before work.

Mindmap of Penang.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Assignment 3d- Digital Arts (Topic & Research)

I had a hard time in understanding what are we suppose to do for this assignment. One topic with two different themes. It is a hard task. I was blank for nearly 2 weeks. After thinking for so long on what I am going to do, I finally came out with a topic for my artworks. 

Topic: "A change through time"

There are many definitions on time but to me, time as we known is a certain period of events whether in the past, present or even future.

Clock represents time.
The reason I choose this topic is I want to express time between the pass and the present. I believe most things will evolve by time. Eventhough how hard they try to preserve it, time still takes everything with it behind. We know how crucial time is like they always say, time flies and it is very fast too. If we do not try to keep things as it is, it will change and disappear from the future generations.

Time flies.

All images are taken from Google Image

Monday, August 1, 2011

Assignment 3c- Digital Arts (Definition)

Before starting anything on Assignment 3, I decided to do a bit of research on Digital Arts.
Digital Arts is a form of art using digital technology like computers. Artworks are created in different ways like digital painting, photo manipulation, installation art, animation and many more which can exist in 2D or 3D.

Computer-generated programs like Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Paint Tool SAI and many others help contribute to the production of digital arts. Most of them are created to show something whether it is real or not. It makes us believe it is real. However, some of them are abstract works.
Here are some examples of digital arts.

All images are taken from Google Images.