Friday, August 5, 2011

Assignment 3g- Digital Arts (Survey & Survey Response)

This is my survey form I use to conduct my survey for my artwork. I also include the results for the survey. Thanks to SurveyMonkey for the convenient survey site.

This is my survey form. Sorry for the lines in between due to the cut and paste during editing.

Response for the first question (name).
Second question. (Age)
Third question (Country). Mostly are from Malaysia.
Fourth is about they first impression towards Penang.
Fifth is regarding on whether they had been to Penang.
The sixth question is based on the fifth one (What do they think of the place).
Question seven (Colour based opinion).
Question eight (Culture and Heritage by time).

Question 9 is related to question 8 (opinion).
Question 10 is on the place they would like to visit in Penang.

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