Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Assignment 3d- Digital Arts (Topic & Research)

I had a hard time in understanding what are we suppose to do for this assignment. One topic with two different themes. It is a hard task. I was blank for nearly 2 weeks. After thinking for so long on what I am going to do, I finally came out with a topic for my artworks. 

Topic: "A change through time"

There are many definitions on time but to me, time as we known is a certain period of events whether in the past, present or even future.

Clock represents time.
The reason I choose this topic is I want to express time between the pass and the present. I believe most things will evolve by time. Eventhough how hard they try to preserve it, time still takes everything with it behind. We know how crucial time is like they always say, time flies and it is very fast too. If we do not try to keep things as it is, it will change and disappear from the future generations.

Time flies.

All images are taken from Google Image

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